12:53 AM

Our Nepali culture and society believes that guest are God. They should be praised and treated well. But, accepting this myth may be a great defects in some life. An unknown people coming as a guest and behaving too well may give great torture in future life.


the same message, a new short movie have been released. Short movie “Bishwashghat” is showing how an unknown guy coming to house with polite and kind voice have theft the house. An old women, who is living all alone in a big house with lots of property have been deceived by a young guy. A guy comes to her home and approaches for a help. She believes on him and gives a space in her house. She treats her as her own son and a guy also does same.

But, one day, he gets missed from home with money and all jewelry. Then, only an old women realities that he was just f@king to her. He was using her with kind and warmth for her as a son. She feels too much betr@yed and grief with an action of a guy who was his son since some time.

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